All About Raw Kefir

Have you heard of Kefir? What is it? and… how is it pronounced? Let’s dive in.

The History

Kefir originated from the Northern Caucasus region in Russia and was a valued component of ancient, traditional cultures. It is a fermented dairy beverage that is thinner than yogurt, effervescent, and smooth. Fermented dairy was easier to keep fresh without refrigeration and travel with for nomadic, ancient people groups.

What is it?

Kefir is traditionally made with kefir “grains” which are not grains at all. They are small, white cauliflower-shaped cultures, also known as a “SCOBY: symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast.” The kefir grains eat up the lactose in the milk and sour/culture the milk into kefir.

Our Raw Kefir is made by fermenting Creambrook Raw Milk with 12 specialized bacteria colonies to create a delicious, fermented Kefir beverage for you and your family to enjoy. It has a shelf life of 30 days.

How do you pronounce it?

We've heard it pronounced most commonly as "keh-feer,” “keffer,” and “key-fur.” At Creambrook, we call it “key-fur” but however you decide to say it, we know you will love it & the benefits of this fermented beverage.

How does it taste?

Kefir is effervescent, a bit tart, and smooth. Our kefir is buttery and flavorful in thanks to our pastured Jersey milk cows.

Our Raw Kefir contains:

  • 12 specialized bacteria colonies from kefir cultures (most yogurts only contain 4-5 bacteria colonies)

  • prebiotics that support gut health

  • beneficial bacteria found in raw milk

  • active enzymes, omega-3 fatty acids, essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

How do you drink it?

I like to drink a half of a cup plain every morning to start the day! If you’d rather flavor your Kefir or find creative uses in the kitchen, here are some fun ideas to try:

  • Blend with pastured eggs, maple syrup, vanilla & salt for a protein-packed, nutrient-dense breakfast (see our video recipe here)

  • Blend in or top with fresh cut fruit

  • Replace raw milk with raw kefir in a protein whey powder smoothie

  • Marinate chicken and cuts of red meat in kefir before grilling/cooking

  • Use in place of buttermilk in your favorite baking recipes

Raw Kefir is available ONLY to Creambrook Farm Herd Share Members. Sign up today & enjoy Raw Milk & other raw products fresh from the farm!


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