Navigating Growth & Challenges: A Podcast Interview

At the beginning of August, Ben sat down with our dear friends, Buddy Powers and Daniel Shear, for a podcast interview on The Baker & The Farmer. Ben was their first guest appearance in Episode 5 in October 2023 soon after the podcast launched.

Many of you have shared with us how much you enjoyed listening to Episode 5, as well as the other incredible podcast episodes, so we were excited for Ben to be back and share an update!

Listen to Episode 45 to catch up with Ben on the past year at Creambrook, and the growth and challenges that come with running a Virginia raw milk herd share.

The guys dig into some great raw milk topics, too. (Find out what Ben actually thinks of the colostrum craze).

We know you’ll enjoy it!

Buddy Powers (Big Spring Farm) and Daniel Shear (Season’s Yield Farm) co-host this engaging business podcast geared towards brick-and-mortar small businesses. They interview a variety of entrepreneurs and it’s always part of my weekly podcast queue. :) Their farms are also Creambrook pick up sites!


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Back to Basics Series: The Real Scoop on Raw Milk